Blog posts

Using React Children Prop With TypeScript

Jun 10, 2023

The React children prop makes it possible to reuse components across your application. You can think of the children prop as a slot where any type of content can be inserted into a specific container. The prop is often used when creating buttons or layout components. The concept is quite easy to grasp but if you are using TypeScript it can be a bit more difficult.

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Send Firebase Cloud Messages Using HTTP

Jul 09, 2022

Firebase Cloud Messaging is realy handy and it provides an easy integration when it comes to sending notifications to both iOS, Android and the web. In this article I will show you how to send messages to multiple users using simple HTTP and the Firebase Cloud Messaging REST API.

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How to Download Files Using Node.js and Axios

Feb 26, 2022

One of the most popular HTTP packages for Node.js is axios, and it's my favorite HTTP client when it comes to making network requests. I have used it many times before making simple requests returning JSON data, but when I used it to download files to my computer for the first time, I struggled a bit. In this post, I will show you how you can download files such as images or videos and store them on your computer.

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How to style a markdown blog post using Tailwind CSS

Jan 07, 2022

If you have used Tailwind CSS before you may have noticed that the framework do a CSS reset in order to keep the styling consistent throughout the page. This is awesome but if you are building a website where you need to display content from an external source such as a markdown file it can be a daunting task to style the different elements.

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How to use Google Analytics 4 with Gatsby

Aug 03, 2021

Google introduced version 4 of Analytics back in October 2020 and it was just recently that I noticed that my go-to plugin does not work anymore... In this small post I will show you how to get Google Analytics 4 working in your Gatsby project.

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How to create a scroll to top button in React

Mar 15, 2020

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a scroll to top button in React that you can use on your blog or in your web application. This feature is great on websites where you have a lot of content and the menu/header is not accessible to the user all the time.

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A beginner's guide to open source contribution on GitHub

Mar 14, 2020

Have you found a new library or tool on GitHub that lacks functionality or needs improvements? Then you could contribute to the project on GitHub and help the developers and other users along the way! In this post we will go over the basics of GitHub open source contribution so you can start to contribute to your favourite projects and packages!

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The basics of JavaScript Map, Filter and Reduce

Mar 07, 2020

Are you tired of using long for loops and complicated constructions in order to perform simple tasks when working with arrays? By using some of the array methods that JavaScript offers you can improve your code and make it easier to understand. In this post we will go over how you can use the array methods Map, Filter and Reduce in order to write better code.

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How to create a Google Chrome extension

Feb 29, 2020

Have you ever wondered how to create your own Google Chrome extension? Well, then you're lucky because in this article we will create a simple extension that allows you to clear your browser history with a single click!

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